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the michigan youth club el-bakaurat ed-dirziyat

Eddie Igram, from Flint, Michigan, chaired the first meeting of the El-Bakaurat Ed-irziyat Youth Club which was held in the Durant Hotel in Flint. This was in 1943. The Michigan Youth Club drew up Bylaws and formed their own organization with English as the official language. However this was not the case throughout the rest of the country. The Druzes were greatly alarmed because there was no fellowship among the Druze youth, so they began to concern themselves with organizing a club for all the Druzes to become involved. This concern finally reached reality in the year 1946. The Druze then and before had not had an opportunity nor occasion to meet in large groups other than at weddings and funerals. The year 1946 gave them both, as well as a grand Convention that, to the date of this writing, has gone on for sixty years (2006).